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GIS Sourcebook Part 2 (Full Document)

Chapter 1: Mapmaking Concepts, Principles and Practices

Chapter 2: Presentation of Maps Using Google Earth Tour and Powerpoint

Chapter 3: Using Maps for Advocacy

A Resource Book on Participatory Geographic Information System (PGIS) for Land Rights Advocates Volume 2

    This resource book is the second volume publication on Community Mapping and Participatory Geographic Information System (PGIS) which aims to equip the users with the necessary knowledge, attitude and skills on this subject area. It is intended for land rights defenders, institutions advocating for land rights, development practitioners, and communities to defend their rights to land and the sustainable use of natural resources.

    Inspired by the pioneering work of the Philippine Association for Intercultural Development, Inc. (PAFID) in PGIS mapping in the country, this publication is designed to impart the key concepts of community mapping and the basics of PGIS, with the view that the application of PGIS technology contributes to securing legal recognition of the indigenous communities over their traditional territories and resources.

    This volume is designed to impart on the “how-tos” for the production of digital maps useful in advancing the land rights agenda of rural communities, particularly indigenous communities and smallholder farmers in Southeast Asia.

    Type of Publication
    Resource Book
    Publish Date
    Fr. Francis B. Lucas David Benjamin De Vera Nathaniel Don Marquez Marianne Jane Naungayan Kail Zingapan
    Fr. Francis B. Lucas David Benjamin De Vera Nathaniel Don Marquez Marianne Jane Naungayan Kail Zingapan
    Type of Publication
    Resource Book
    Publish Date

    GIS Sourcebook Part 2 (Full Document)

    Chapter 1: Mapmaking Concepts, Principles and Practices

    Chapter 2: Presentation of Maps Using Google Earth Tour and Powerpoint

    Chapter 3: Using Maps for Advocacy

    Founded in 1979, ANGOC is a regional association of national and regional networks of civil society organizations (CSOs) in Asia, actively engaged in food security, agrarian reform, sustainable agriculture, participatory governance, and rural development.

    Contact Info

    +63 2 83510011
    33 Mapagsangguni Street,
    Sikatuna Village, Diliman
    1101 Quezon City, Philippines
    © 1979 - 2025 • Asian NGO Coalition For Agrarian Reform and Rural Development. All Rights Reserved.