Landscape Governance: A Training Manual

    Landscape Governance: A Training Manual GLTN ANGOC

    Written to introduce landscape governance as an approach to facilitate participatory land use planning, harmonize community and government plans, address land conflicts, and recognize the role of women and youth in agriculture and land governance, this publication, Landscape Governance: A training manual, summarizes the learning materials of the forum and training of trainors on Landscape Governance held in June and July 2019 in Cagayan de Oro and Valencia City in Northern Mindanao.

    It serves as a contribution to the tooling process towards enhancing the capacities of the rural poor to advocate for their rights to land and natural resources under the project “Improving Tenure Security of Smallholder Farmers in Select Areas in the Philippines.”

    Author -
    Publisher ANGOC, GLTN, XSF
    Type of Publication Learning Material
    Publish Date February 2020

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    GLTN Training Manual