The Pest Called Credit Insecurity: Case Studies on Agricultural Credit Programs for Smallholder Farmers in Five Asian Countries

This publication, featuring studies on public agricultural credit assistance programs in Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Nepal, and the Philippines; analyzes the relevance, appropriateness, accessibility, and usefulness of the selected programs; and, proposes recommendations for government lending institutions to improve smallholders’ access to and utilization of such programs.

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Regional Summary of Five Country Case Studies on Public Agricultural Credit: A Consolidation of Findings from Case Studies in Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Nepal, and the Philippines

Forced Out: Crop Loan Blight Marginalizes Rice Growers: Case Study on Government Credit Production Assistance to Small Boro Paddy Farmers in Bangladesh

Freedom from Usurious Moneylenders: Case Study on Public Credit/Production Assistance to Small Rice Farmers in India

Not Quite Ready to Touch Farmers’ Lives Holistically: The Role of Agricultural People’s Business Credit (Kredit Usaha Rakyat-KUR) Program in Karanganyar District, Central Java, Indonesia

Small Farmers, Big Credit Gaps: Case Study on Government Credit Assistance to Maize Smallholder Farmers in Katyanggaun, Gadhawa Rural Municipality of Dang District, Nepal

Framing the Ideal Credit Program: Case study on Agrarian Production Credit Program for Small Rice Farmers in the Philippines

The Pest Called Credit Insecurity: Case Studies on Agricultural Credit Programs for Smallholder Farmers in Five Asian Countries (Full Report)