Securing the Right to Land: An Overview on Access to Land in Asia (2nd Edition)

    This expanded edition presents regional and country perspectives on access to land for the rural poor from the eight countries-Bangladesh, Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines and Sri Lanka. It makes assessments of land reforms and their implementation, and the legal frameworks and conditions necessary to advance land rights. The publication also examines the changing roles of government, the private sector, NGOs and civil society in influencing agrarian reform and sustainable development for the rural poor. Finally, it puts forward an agenda for actors and activists in pursuit of more equitable access to land in the Asian region.

    Author ANGOC
    Publisher ANGOC
    Type of Publication Book
    Publish Date 2012
    Editor(s) -

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    Securing the Right to Land: An Overview on Access to Land in Asia (2nd edition)

    The Prolonged Struggle for Land Rights in Asia: A Regional Overview Land Watch Asia

    BANGLADESH: The Backpedalling Stops

    CAMBODIA: Overcoming a Failure of Law and Political Will

    INDIA: Riding the Crest of People’s Movements

    INDONESIA: The Persistence of Popular Will

    NEPAL: Asserting Freedom from Central Control

    PAKISTAN: Fighting the Pyramid of Power

    PHILIPPINES: Defending the Gains of Tenurial Reform

    SRI LANKA: Land Ownership and the Journey to Self-Determination