Scoping Papers on Food & Nutrition Security

    Scoping Papers on Food & Nutrition Security | Portal Asian NGO Coalition Portal Asian NGO Coalition The Alliance against Hunger and Malnutrition (AAHM) is a global alliance initiated by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). AAHM aims to address how countries and organizations can be more effective in advocating and carrying out actions to address hunger and malnutrition. AAHM works to address food and nutrition security by enhancing resources and knowledge sharing and strengthening anti-hunger activities within countries and across regional and international levels through its support of the national alliances in both developing and developed countries. At the country level, the alliance involves people’s movements, CSOs, government agencies on food and nutrition security, IGOs, and the private sector. ANGOC is the convener of AHHM in Asia. Respective AHHM country nodes (Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines and Vietnam) have prepared scoping papers on food and nutrition security, to establish national baseline information and define strategic directions for AHHM in Asia. More specifically, these scoping papers give a post-food-crisis perspective on food security and nutrition (FSN) policies and programs; rapidly scan mechanisms for discussing FSN policies and programs; and recommended strategies to promote smallholder agriculture and eradicate hunger and poverty, especially at the household level.

    Author ANGOC
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    Type of Publication Scoping Paper
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    National Situation of Food and Nutrition Security in Bangladesh

    Scoping Study on Food Security and Nutrition in Cambodia

    China: The National Food and Nutrition Situationer

    Hunger and Malnutrition in India

    Indonesia: The National Food Situationer

    Food and Nutrition Security in Nepal: National Status from the Perspectives of Civil Society

    Scoping Study on Food Security Status in Pakistan

    Food and Nutrition Security in the Philippines

    Vietnam: Food and Nutrition Security Situationer