Policy and Institutional Priorities

Policy and Institutional Priorities Portal Asian NGO Coalition

The Regional Workshop of the Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development-Farming System Evolution (SARD-FSE) roject was held in Antipolo City, Philippines on July 19-21, 2004. Forty-five participants from 12 countries took part in this activity, which aimed to (1) review the methodological guidelines, lessons learned, and recommendations of SARD-FSE case study implemented in the Philippines; (2) identify the key policy and institutional issues that must be addressed in order to develop agriculture and and rural sector towards SARD in the Philippines and Asia; (3) formulate preliminary proposals for regional and FAO HQ collaboration on SARD policy and institutional analysis and implementation, involving different actors, and in support of national efforts.

Author ANGOC
Publisher ANGOC and FAO
Type of Publication -
Publish Date 2004
Editor(s) -

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Policy and Institutional Priorities for Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development