Of Variants and Variance: Data Gathering on and Reporting Human Rights Violations During the COVID-19 Pandemic: 2021 Philippine Land and Resource Conflict Monitoring Report

Land and resource conflict, being embedded in the social structures of the Philippines, became a Petri dish for human rights violations (HRVs). The year 2021 appears to be no different from the past years.

HRVs persist and the opposing interests remain the same. In some cases, HRVs are reported in the same geographic areas that have reported them in the past years or even decades. It also seems that decades-long conflicts have no resolution in sight.

In 2018 and 2020, land and resource conflict monitoring reports in six Asian countries (including the Philippines) were prepared through the Land Watch Asia (LWA) Campaign, aiming to contribute in evidence-based advocacies at the national and regional levels. This 2021 land and resource conflict monitoring report for the Philippines serves as a continuation of the initiative and updating of data.

Author ANGOC
Publisher ANGOC
Type of Publication Data Gathering Report
Publish Date Dec 2022
Editor(s) ANGOC

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2021 Philippine Land and Resource Conflict Monitoring Report