Mindanao Lands Agri-Colonialism

    Mindanao Lands Agri-Colonialism Portal Asian NGO Coalition

    This document is a report of the proceedings of the sharing and discussion forum on commercial pressures on land in Mindanao, Philippines held last 16 September 2009 in Cagayan de Oro. The said event was organized by ANGOC together with its parners: the Philippine Development Assistance Programme (PDAP), the Archdiocese of Cagayan de Oro (ACDO), South East Asia Rural Leadership Institute (SEARSOLIN) and Xavier University College of Agriculture (XU-CA). Participants from the Philippine government, Asian CSOs, the Catholic Church, and local media came to: discuss issues and challenges on food and tenurial security of poor rural sectors (e.g. small farmers, indigenous peoples, forest communities) vis-à-vis the plans of agri-related agencies; and present possible measures of safeguarding local communities rights over their land vis-à-vis agri-investments.

    Author ANGOC
    Publisher ANGOC
    Type of Publication Proceedings
    Publish Date -
    Editor(s) -

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    Mindanao Lands for Agri-Investments or Agri-Colonialism – Proceedings