Mainstreaming Land Rights in the UNGPs: A situationer on the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights in selected countries in Asia Vol. 2

This publication thus details civil society’s interventions on highlighting land rights in pursuit of implementing the UNGPs. Included are a summary of the status of implementation of the UNGPs and civil society recommendations on including land rights in NAPs, as well as the summary report on the Online Regional Workshop on Mainstreaming Land Rights in the UNGPs in Asia. This journal also contains the ANGOC network’s contributions to the UN CESCR’s General Comment on Land and Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights, which aims to clarify obligations of States in matters involving land and tenure governance.

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Publisher ANGOC
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Publish Date 2021
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Regional Workshop on Mainstreaming Land Rights in the UNGPs in Asia: Summary Report

ANGOC’s Contribution to the UN Committee on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights’ Draft General Comment No. 26 on Land and Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights

Mainstreaming Land Rights in the UNGPs: A situationer on the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights in selected countries in Asia Vol. 2 (Full Report)