Enhancing Land Reform Monitoring Effectiveness

    Written primarily for land rights advocates in Asia, this publication compiles easy-to-read articles on how to effectively undertake land reform monitoring, which contributes to CSOs’ evidence-based advocacy. The articles are based on lectures and presentations from an ANGOC/Land Watch Asia training program in May 2013 on land reform monitoring. The training sessions built on NGO participants’ knowledge and skills on effective monitoring, focusing on research methods, policy analysis, report writing, and social media for advocacy.

    Author -
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    Type of Publication Manual / Toolkit
    Publish Date 2014
    Editor(s) -

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    Enhancing Land Reform Monitoring Effectiveness: A Toolkit for CSOs


    Monitoring and Evaluation

    Policy Analysis

    Research Method

    Social Media for Advocacy

    Land Reform Monitoring Using Other Lenses

    Writing Lab

    Useful Resources