Land Issues in South Asia: Assesing SAARC

    This paper calls attention to the ambiguity of SAARC’s position on the importance of land rights, as well as to the absence of an official declaration from SAARC on land rights and issues as these relate to farmers in the region. Judging by its official documents, SAARC has no clear profile of the poor in South Asia. At the minimum, SAARC needs to recognize the inter-relatedness of poverty alleviation, agricultural production, food security and land rights/access to land. SAARC has yet to implement a program that reflects the links among these concepts.

    Author ANGOC and LWA
    Publisher ANGOC and LWA
    Type of Publication Issue Brief
    Publish Date 2009
    Editor(s) -

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    LWA Issue Brief – Land Issues in South Asia: Assesing SAARC