Land and Water Governance in Asia

    This publication summarizes the discussions from the Regional Conference on Land and Water Governance in Asia, which occurred from 29 to 30 November 2018 in Dhaka, Bangladesh. The conference, which was organized by Association for Land Reform and Development (ALRD) in cooperation with ANGOC, encouraged the inter-sectoral and cross-country sharing of experiences and strategies to address land, water, and other natural resource-related issues. 

    Among the themes covered were security of tenure, women’s rights, international guidelines and obligations, people-centered land governance, agrarian reform, indigenous peoples’ lands, and land conflicts. During the conference, ALRD, ANGOC, and The Institute for Motivating Self Employment’s (IMSE) also presented a report on the two-day field visit to Ukhiya and Cox’s Bazar to get first-hand information on the Rohingya refugee situation on the ground and the effects of the crisis from the perspective of local host communities. 

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    Land & Water Governance in Asia