How to Facilitate Meetings and Discussions

    Meetings provide a space where people come together for a common purpose – whether to make decisions, explore a shared problem, or provide mutual support.

    However, most of us have experienced meetings that are less than ideal! They drag on and on, with tempers running high, people talking over each other and no decisions being made. Or maybe one person dominates the meeting, leaving everyone else to wonder why they even turned up.

    Facilitation is about taking responsibility for making meetings as easy and effective as possible.

    This guide explores the concept of facilitation and how it can help in creating positive and successful meetings.

    Author Tony Quizon
    Publisher GLTN, ANGOC, XSF
    Type of Publication Learning material
    Publish Date 2021
    Editor(s) -

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    How to Facilitate Meetings and Discussions

    How to Facilitate Meetings and Discussions (Cebuano)