Getting a Clearer Picture: Civil Society Reports on Progress Towards SDG Target 1.4 in Seven Asian Countries, 2020

This publication was therefore prepared by civil society organizations (CSO’s) working on land rights in Bangladesh, Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Kyrgyzstan, Nepal and the Philippines, to identify potential gaps in reporting on land under the SDGs. It gauges the progress made by governments towards addressing land rights under SDG 1.4, not only through the lens of official data and global indicators, but also though studies and feedback from CSOs and rural communities.

Author ANGOC
Publisher ANGOC
Type of Publication Monitoring Report
Publish Date 2021
Editor(s) ANGOC

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Regional Summary – Monitoring Progress on Land Rights under SDG 1.4: Are We on the Right Track?

Infographics – Region – CSO SDG Report 2020

CSOs Need to Push for Land Tenure and Security Data: 2020 CSO Report on Sustainable Development Goal Target 1.4 – Secure Rights to Land and Resources in Bangladesh

Infographics – Bangladesh – CSO SDG Report 2020

A Call for Land Tenure Security Inclusion in Cambodia Sustainable Development Goals: 2020 CSO Report on Sustainable Development Goal in Securing Rights to Land and Resources in Cambodia

Infographics – Cambodia – CSO SDG Report 2020

A look into village-level perceptions on “land tenure security” amidst India’s land data challenges

Infographics – India – CSO SDG Report 2020

Land Rights and Tenure Security of Vulnerable Groups Not Among Reported Data:
2020 CSO Report on Sustainable Development Goal Target 1.4. – Land Rights Protection and Access to Resources in Indonesia

Infographics – Indonesia – CSO SDG Report 2020

Working towards a True and Accurate Land and Resources Tenure Security Report:
2020 CSO Report on Sustainable Development Goal Target 1.4 in Kyrgyzstan

Infographics – Kyrgyzstan – CSO SDG Report 2020

CSOs Have Yet to Make Nepal’s Land Agenda SDG-Accountable: 2020 CSO Report on SDG 1.4 – Secure Rights to Land and Resources in Nepal

Infographics – Nepal – CSO SDG Report 2020

Getting A Fuller Picture: 2020 CSO Report on SDG Target 1.4 – Philippines

Infographics – Philippines – CSO SDG Report 2020

Getting a Clearer Picture: Civil Society Reports on Progress Towards SDG Target 1.4 in Seven Asian Countries, 2020 (Full Report)