ANGOC Participates in a Field Visit on the Rohingya Refugee Crisis

    ANGOC participated in a two-day field visit to Ukhiya and Cox’s Bazar in Bangladesh on 26 to 27 November 2018. The short mission organized by Association for Land Reform and Development (ALRD), a national CSO member of ANGOC, aimed to acquire first-hand information on the Rohingya refugee situation on the ground, and the effects of the crisis from the perspective of local host communities. 

    Based on the findings, observations, and recommendations formed from the mission, this short report was produced. This field visit report was shared and disseminated during a media briefing on 29 November 2018 in Dhaka, during the Regional Workshop on Land and Water Governance in Asia: Resource Sharing and Cooperation co-organized by ALRD and ANGOC. 

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    The Rohingya Refugee Situation and Its Effects on Local Host Communities