December 10, 2021431 views

Stakeholders from five countries exchange experiences and lessons in implementing agricultural credit programs for smallholders

QUEZON CITY, Philippines – A major constraint to the productivity of farmers is their lack of access to sufficient support...

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August 8, 2021351 views

Asian and Global Partners Come Together in Mainstreaming Land Rights in the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights

QUEZON CITY, Philippines – At the global level, in 2011, the United Nations Human Rights Council unanimously endorsed the UN...

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May 6, 2021309 views

Multistakeholder Dialogue on Land and Resource Conflicts Convened by ANGOC and CHR

QUEZON CITY, Philippines – ANGOC and the Commission on Human Rights jointly organized an online Multistakeholder Dialogue on Land and...

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March 29, 2021286 views

The ANGOC network and its partners condemn the violence and erosion of democracy in Myanmar, and stand in solidarity with the Burmese people in calling for the end of military rule

The members and partners of the Asian NGO Coalition for Agrarian Reform and Rural Development (ANGOC) denounce the military regime...

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March 12, 2021358 views

Defund the Jalaur Dam Project

You can sign on to our campaign here We are partners and allies of Fair Finance Philippines, part of a...

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March 8, 2021251 views

Happy International Women’s Day!

Read more on women, land rights, and food security: Women's Land Rights in Asia (issue brief): Lok Niti -...

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February 12, 2021231 views

ANGOC, Bukluran, and PAFID complete 4-day virtual webinar series with indigenous leaders and IP representatives in the Philippines

For four Saturdays from January 16 to February 6, ANGOC, Philippine ICCA Consortium/Bukluran, and Philippine Association for Intercultural Development (PAFID)...

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February 6, 2021289 views

Members of the Asian NGO Coalition for Agrarian Reform and Rural Development (ANGOC) Call for the Repeal of the Indian Agriculture Acts of 2020

The ANGOC network issued a statement in solidarity with farmers and groups from rural India, who call for the repeal...

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November 5, 2020205 views

ANGOC Statement on Protecting Land Rights and Ensuring Food Security in the Time of COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed many of our underlying fragilities and risks as a people – a heartless economy with...

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